Saturday, February 17, 2007

Strategic Prevention Framework and Logic Models

Coalition Jornalists learned how to make Straregic Prevention Framework diagrams and Logic models. A logic model is basically taking a huge problem in your community and simply boiling it down to understand why the problem is occuring.So often when we as leaders witness a problem we try to solve it with the facts given to us but, in all actuality we must first understand what caused this problem, what are the long-term consequences if this problem exists,then we must come up with a solution.

CADCA's Workshops and Information

At the Washington Convention Center, CADCA provided many informative sessions on how to help change our communities for the better. The facilitators and staff taught us principles such as the Seven Strategies for Communtiy Change. They are as following:

1.Providing Information

2.Enhancing Skills

3.Providing Support

4.Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers

5.Changing Consequences(Incentives/Disincentives)

6.Physical Design

7.Modifying/Changing Policies

These seven steps helped Coalition Journalists as well as the other youth coalition groups understand the impact youth can have on their community if they are passionate as well as organized

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

CADCA Capitol Hill rally!!!

CADCA members from across the nation participated in a scheduled rally on Capitol Hill today. Due to inclement weather the rally was shortened and CADCA members returned to the Convention Center and their respective hotels for rest and others to complete daily work assignments.

As NYLI (National Youth Leadership Initiative) Journalists our duty is the capture the stories blended with photos and sometimes conduct interviews with CADCA staff, members, and federal officials. For a first timer visiting Capitol Hill, one would be in awe to be surrounded by the sights and sounds of our Nation's Capitol. With so much history to choose from you would not know where to start taking pictures or selecting people to interview. So we decided to take several pictures around Union Station including a few of the Christopher Columbus Monument and surrounding sights. All in all it was somewhat disappointing because our trip was shortened and some members could not meet with their legislators however we made the best of the Capitol's "Winter Wonderland."

CADCA Capitol Hill Day Plenary Interview with General Arthur Dean, Chairman and CEO

At CADCA's Capitol Hill Day Plenary many federal officials expressed their feelings on drug and alcohol prevention as well as steps necessary to inform the national legislature of the problems. The objective is not to only inform the legislature but to seek funding in order to provide programs and enhance prevention for underage alcohol abuse.

After the inspiring session Jordan Wofford, Genesis Coalition, Inc. (Atlanta), one of CADCA's National Youth Leadership Initiative(NYLI) journalist was able to interview General Arthur T. Dean, in regards to the CADCA's youth and their visit to Capitol Hill.

Jordan: What attributes do you personally feel are important for youth leaders to have in order to be taken seriously and most of all make an impact?

Arthur T. Dean: Youth today must have a passion for prevention among many other things such as initiative, work ethic, and the ability of consistency. You must present your issues and make sure that you are heard. Also youth must be able to persevere and be willing to step out and take risks to enforce their wants and needs.

Jordan: What experience do you expect the youth to grasp from the trip to Capitol Hill?

Arthur T. Dean: Basically to learn the mind of the legislature and when I say that I mean you must "be on the same page" with them. The only way to get what you want is to increase awareness of those who can help you and let the youth know that the legislature is accessible and they can express their ideas and thoughts on what they think is right.

Jordan: What do you think (from a broad perspective) is the most prevalent problem that youth are faced with today?

Arthur T. Dean: I would have to say the abuse of alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs that aren't being used for their medical issues. These drugs alone result highly in behavioral problems, sexual promiscuity, and lack of learning and if we get rid of that then we will have a good chance at bettering our youth.